Cosmic Coding Basics: Hope

When it comes to how Cosmic Coding works we have to understand the concept of hope and the act of trusting. Hope is the ability to see the hurt and pain of the world and not grow bitter. It’s knowing deep down and acting according to the idea that the sun always rises. 

In Cosmic Coding we study the natural life-death-rebirth cycle of the Cosmos. In that we find that we can rely on two facts. Things will change and time will pass. We observe the natural world and our own internal cycles to understand this. As we observe we begin to align our actions with this knowledge. 

It comes in conjunction with faith and the act of believing. We see the cosmos and ourselves as we are and then understand that all things are true and temporary. With these two perspectives in place we can act using our own values and sense of purpose. Fulfillment comes when we are realistic about the nature of the cosmos and our place in it. A place that is not in any way insignificant. 

Moving through the seasons of life on the micro and macro level is not easy but once learned it becomes natural. Lean into the reality that with joy comes sorrow and with healing, pain. Allow for there to come a day when you move through seasons without too much distress. 

Cosmic Coding is not about changing the nature of things. It is about learning to work with the underlying code to embrace new thoughts and patterns. We know much about how the universe works and we are learning more each day. 

The edge of things is where the most hope lies. It’s the moment when potential becomes incarnate when we hope the most. So push yourself to the edge every so often. Think “what’s the best thing that can happen?” and act as though it’s already a reality because it is already real. It may not be here in the seen world but it is real. It is up to us to move the things we hope for from a higher, invisible vibration to a lower more concrete vibration. We’ll cover how to do so in the next post.


Cosmic Coding Basics: Love


Cosmic Coding Basics: Faith